
Registration Form ’24

Crew Chief & Crew Consideration Form

Comprehensive Training

Being in the right place at the right time, knowing and understanding all the rules to competition, and having strong mechanics are the core objectives of our official training program. Our members acquire the skills and confidence needed to maximize their ability to make fair and accurate assessments in the critical moments of competition. Let us know if you have any questions before joining SFV Football Officials Association, we’re excited to speak with you about joining our association.

We’re always seeking new members and we offer a first rate training program. 

How To Become an Official

How to join us

Contact Larry Obar: or Kirk West:

The San Fernando Valley Unit of the California Football Officials Association trains and certifies officials that work games in and around the San Fernando Valley for Southern Section high schools. Joining the San Fernando Valley Unit of the California Football Officials Association is easy! Simply fill out the membership form and mail it with your check to Larry Obar.


We offer a comprehensive training program for all officials, including first year men. All officials are expected to attend regular Tuesday night meetings that begin September. Click here for full schedule of meetings. First year officials study in their own classroom.

Your first year

First year officials are assigned games on a week-to-week basis and are added as a fifth man at the Line Judge position on crews working freshman and JV games. Usually working with the more experienced officials, first year officials can expect a lot of personal guidance on the field.

Why become an official?

Officiating football can be enjoyable for a number of reasons. Many find that the challenge is what attracts them. For others, it’s being involved in football up close and personal that is the attraction. Most officials enjoy the camaraderie that exists among the fellow officials. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What training do you offer in the pre-season?

Louie Vargas produces an excellent program for first year officials known as SOS (Sports Officiating School). SOS, which is particularly tailored for first and second year officials, takes place in August and is comprised of classroom study and on-field work. The first session is August 19th, and continues through the month. 

Where do I get the uniform and supplies?

Louie Vargas will cover the uniform and supplies at the SOS camp explaining important details including which whistle is preferred and why. Additionally, the mechanics manual, which is distributed to first year officials when they join the unit, contains a complete list of all of the uniform elements. Links to uniform suppliers are contained on the Links page. 

What positions are there and how do I know what position to work?

The positions worked in high school football are:

Referee: He’s in charge and gets to wear a “white hat!” Lines up in the offensive backfield.
Umpire: Lines up in the defensive backfield about 5-7 yards off the line of scrimmage
Head Linesman: On the line of scrimmage at the sidelines at the snap; responsible for chain crew.
Line Judge: On lines of scrimmage at the snap, opposite side of field from Head Linesman.
Back Judge: Works in the defensive secondary.

All new officials begin work at Line Judge. Over time, as you gain experience you will be given opportunities to work different positions and can specialize if you wish.

Will I make a lot of money? 

Yes, if you have a high paying day job! However, youth football does pay first year officials. Youth games pay officials $65 per game. 

What is the most important thing for first year officials to know?

Have fun!